Weather Reports!

rainbow rollCome to the opening of the Winter shows at the Center for Book Arts tomorrow night, January 17th at 6pm.

weather report

You can see my contribution to the 2013 SP Weather Report Portfolio:
Featured Artist Project: SP Weather Reports (2008-2013)

Published by SP Weather Station (Natalie Campbell and Heidi Neilson).

Featuring six years of monthly editions by 85 artists. SP Weather Station is an interdisciplinary project that collects weather data and produces weather-related events, publications, and exhibitions. Each year, SPWS publishes a collated portfolio of weather reports. One artist (or artist group) per month is invited to ‘report’ on the weather data taken by SPWS instruments on the roof of Flux Factory in Long Island City, NY. This open-ended assignment may be interpreted strictly or loosely; artists have created prints, booklets, drawings, audio files, photos and video. On view at the Center for Book Arts are six years of SP Weather Reports (2008-2013):72 reports by 85 artists.

the pocket spectroscopeMy contribution concerns the 19th century mania for looking for water vapor using prisms in a tube as a way of predicting rain. Totally works. Read the pamphlet. 

AND it’s only one of 72 amazing projects, AND there’s also two other shows to see AND we always throw the best openings ever, with lots of free liquor and reception cheese, AND you don’t have something better to do in January. Right?

Also, hand decorated weather cookies. That is all, have a good night.



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