Moas and floating libraries

Category : art, birds

Moa on press

I finished this guy this weekend. Was a bit of a struggle, like many things right now. He’s a bit off (as am I), but turned out ok.

moa proofs2 moa proofs

In better news, some water-themed pamphlets are on their way to Minnesota to take part in this year’s Floating Library. If you’re a Midwesterner, consider swimming up to it this year.

I’ll be teaching again this month, August 16-17 at ye olde Center for Book Arts. We’ve got a spanking new kitchen and bathroom you can check out while learning all about the wonders of the printed word. Register here.

Also this month: Zine Swapping and Making galore: the Center has a zine show up in the galleries and we’ve got a slew of exciting zine programs coming up. Take a look here.

