News! Very Important!
I’ve been neglecting this poor blog due to a life that is literally scheduled down to the minute. So here’s an obligatory catch-up post:
I’ve been working on Governors Island since the beginning of August. And there is an open studio weekend coming up this very weekend! So if you’re not participating in or doing or putting on or hosting one of the twelve million other cultural events taking place in New York this weekend, COME TO MY STUDIO TO READ WORDS AND PICTURES. Afterwards, you can pet a goat. No, really, I’m not kidding.
Also a fancy chicken. If that’s what you’re into:
You can also check out my amazing view into NY harbor (where I totally saw the President fly into town on Monday.)
Working on Governors Island is wonderful; I’m there on Sundays and Mondays right now. On Sundays hordes of NYC families come out for a variety of wholesome activities, as well as the young kids in their fancy costumes for the occasional jazz age dance party:
Or the antique carousel aficionados, they come out too, to see the beautiful vintage amusement park things:
I’ve been working on a new book while there, and tentatively working on a fall pamphlet, among other things:
This weekend is the last public weekend on the Island; starting in October it’s insiders only. So if you want to visit a ghost town, during the week is where it’s at:
Other than that, I don’t know, there’s been some work in some shows:
New York Bound: International Book Art Biennial at the Islip Art Museum. (Literally round the corner from Mom’s house. Hi Mom!).
Some pamphlets went out to a lake in Minneapolis back in August for a water-based adventure called The Floating Library :
Using a boat to dispense paper goods on a lake may seem like a juxtaposition of two things that don’t go together (books + water), yet this project draws on the common past time of beach reading.
In the summer, Minneapolis lakes are crowded with boaters drifting leisurely and folks reading on the sandy shores. The Floating Library looks to provide artist-made reading materials to these folks who are already gathered on the water.
Awesome, right?
There’s an ephemera show coming up in October:
Ephemera is defined as any transitory written or printed matter not meant to be retained or preserved. Examples of letterpress printed ephemera include: posters, greeting cards, pamphlets, postcards, tickets and zines.
And of course the printed media steam bath known as the New York Art Book Fair:
And marathon training, and fall CBA scheduling, and some other things that are none of the internet’s business. I don’t know, it’s too much. Come to my studio this weekend and we can talk it all over.
Ferry schedule: click Here.